Testimonials & Recommendations

Maddie went above and beyond to get my placenta encapsulated for me! I contacted her when at 35 weeks pregnant to sign up, thinking that I had a few weeks to iron out the details, but then had to have an emergency C-section at 36 weeks! She was going to be out of town, but when I notified her of what was happening, she made arrangement to get my capsules to me just two days after my baby was born! I hadn't even met her, or paid her, or anything! I am SO THANKFUL that I have those capsules. I never went into labor, and especially with a C/S, I really think they helped my recovery and helped my milk to come in. I use them when I have my period to help with cramps and fatigue and milk supply. In fact, my husband and I were just joking that I'm going to run out soon... so it'll be time to grow another placenta! Needless to say, I'll be contacting Maddie BEFORE 35 weeks when we need her again! - Nicole A.
I contacted Madison about halfway through my pregnancy, and she was incredibly flexible and willing to work with me on payment options. Then we met under some pretty hilarious circumstances, and it was like an instant friendship. When she came to pick up my placenta from the hospital,
she was kind and very professional, and made me feel great :) She dropped off the pills and tincture a few days later. Due to my son having jaundice
and needing to see his pediatrician three days in a row, I forgot to start taking my pills. I got some baby blues the second week postpartum, and finally remembered to take my pills! It was like night and day! I had been so stressed and frustrated and teary (I had no idea what I was doing since he is our first baby), but my moods have equalized and at 5.5 weeks postpartum I feel great. I'm taking 3 in the morning, 1-2 around lunch, and depending on how I feel, either none or 1 before bed. I will absolutely utilize Madison for my next babies and will recommend her to anyone who is interested in encapsulation! - Martha D.
I contacted Madison about halfway through my pregnancy, and she was incredibly flexible and willing to work with me on payment options. Then we met under some pretty hilarious circumstances, and it was like an instant friendship. When she came to pick up my placenta from the hospital,
she was kind and very professional, and made me feel great :) She dropped off the pills and tincture a few days later. Due to my son having jaundice
and needing to see his pediatrician three days in a row, I forgot to start taking my pills. I got some baby blues the second week postpartum, and finally remembered to take my pills! It was like night and day! I had been so stressed and frustrated and teary (I had no idea what I was doing since he is our first baby), but my moods have equalized and at 5.5 weeks postpartum I feel great. I'm taking 3 in the morning, 1-2 around lunch, and depending on how I feel, either none or 1 before bed. I will absolutely utilize Madison for my next babies and will recommend her to anyone who is interested in encapsulation! - Martha D.
Baby and I are doing great! He's growing so fast and is a good natured baby. I have been pleased to find I've had more energy following this birth than my previous two and feel better emotionally as well. Thanks for the pictures you took of the placenta, I find them rather fascinating. Thanks again for your services, I just wish I had known about encapsulation earlier! - C.B.

With my first, I suffered from severe postpartum depression, low milk supply, fatigue, extended bleeding, terrible headaches, and overall crankiness. When I became pregnant with my second, I discovered the idea of placenta encapsulation. I was willing to try anything to avoid the feelings I had had my first time around. No words describe all the benefits I felt after I encapsulated when my second was born. I didn't suffer from any baby blues, only bled for a week, experienced no headaches, had energy and have been able to breastfeed for ten months now. I couldn't imagine my postpartum experience without these little magical pills. It's worth every penny in my book! - Jess K.
When I had my first child in 2009 in Nashville, I had never even heard of placenta encapsulation. After moving back to Lincoln and hearing some buzz about people having it done in Omaha, I knew it was something I would look into when I had my second baby. This July I welcomed my son-and knowing I wanted to see what placenta encapsulation was all about, I searched locally shortly before he was born and found Lincoln Placenta Encapsulation. Madison is extremely knowledgeable and helpful when it comes to everything placenta! She came to the hospital just a few short hours after Eames was born, picked up my placenta and hand delivered the finished capsules and tincture to my home just a few days later. It was very convenient for me not to have to do the work to get my placenta to
her! I have had amazing benefits from my placenta pills. It has noticeably
decreased my postpartum anxiety, as well as prevented the blues I felt
after having my first child. If I have any more children I will absolutely use
Madison again for encapsulation servicesI HIGHLY recommend every
new mom consider placenta encapsulation! Thanks again! - Rebecca L.
When I had my first child in 2009 in Nashville, I had never even heard of placenta encapsulation. After moving back to Lincoln and hearing some buzz about people having it done in Omaha, I knew it was something I would look into when I had my second baby. This July I welcomed my son-and knowing I wanted to see what placenta encapsulation was all about, I searched locally shortly before he was born and found Lincoln Placenta Encapsulation. Madison is extremely knowledgeable and helpful when it comes to everything placenta! She came to the hospital just a few short hours after Eames was born, picked up my placenta and hand delivered the finished capsules and tincture to my home just a few days later. It was very convenient for me not to have to do the work to get my placenta to
her! I have had amazing benefits from my placenta pills. It has noticeably
decreased my postpartum anxiety, as well as prevented the blues I felt
after having my first child. If I have any more children I will absolutely use
Madison again for encapsulation servicesI HIGHLY recommend every
new mom consider placenta encapsulation! Thanks again! - Rebecca L.

Maddie is passionate about what she does. As soon as I contacted her, she was prompt in responding and following up as my due date approached. When I told her we were heading to the hospital, I delivered in the afternoon, and she was there the same day. She had family coming to town and was sure to get the capsules and tincture to me before they arrived for the weekend. I can't say enough about how friendly she is and willing to answer any questions. I happened to hear about placenta encapsulation from my sister-in-law. Thought it was a little strange but considered the idea. When I found out a friend had also done it, I decided it was worth a try. This being my first child, I don't have anything to compare, but from my experience, I have healed rather quickly and breastfeeding and my milk supply has been going exceptionally. I can only imagine these benefits have come from the replenishment of nutrients from taking the capsules. I've also not had any postpartum blues. I have been taking 2 capsules in the morning and 2 in the evening. I noticed that I didn't have as much trouble with energy as my husband in getting through the first few weeks and the adjustment period of sleep interruptions. If/when I have another child, I will most definitely consider doing placenta encapsulation again. I highly recommend Maddie for your the encapsulation services! - Ashley C.
Maddie is passionate about what she does. As soon as I contacted her, she was prompt in responding and following up as my due date approached. When I told her we were heading to the hospital, I delivered in the afternoon, and she was there the same day. She had family coming to town and was sure to get the capsules and tincture to me before they arrived for the weekend. I can't say enough about how friendly she is and willing to answer any questions. I happened to hear about placenta encapsulation from my sister-in-law. Thought it was a little strange but considered the idea. When I found out a friend had also done it, I decided it was worth a try. This being my first child, I don't have anything to compare, but from my experience, I have healed rather quickly and breastfeeding and my milk supply has been going exceptionally. I can only imagine these benefits have come from the replenishment of nutrients from taking the capsules. I've also not had any postpartum blues. I have been taking 2 capsules in the morning and 2 in the evening. I noticed that I didn't have as much trouble with energy as my husband in getting through the first few weeks and the adjustment period of sleep interruptions. If/when I have another child, I will most definitely consider doing placenta encapsulation again. I highly recommend Maddie for your the encapsulation services! - Ashley C.
There really are not enough words for me to express how wonderful my whole experience with Madison was! I contacted her later in my pregnancy because my previous arrangements with another woman fell through due to her relocation with her husband. Madison was immediately easy to work with and extremely flexible. She made me feel very relaxed and assured me that we had enough time to make arrangements. She always responded quickly when I contacted her with questions or concerns. I saved her name and number in my phone and gave my husband strict instructions to contact Madison as soon as we knew the baby was coming. My baby was about 3 weeks early, and Madison was up at the hospital very shortly after he was born to pick up my placenta. I was worried because the hospital staff was telling me that I wouldn't be able to take my placenta with me to post partum and Madison made sure to pick it up before they even had me cleaned up and out of the bed I delivered in! Our plans to pick up the placenta capsules and tincture fell through and we were unable to meet Madison in Lincoln like we had originally planned. Madison was so understanding and personally delivered the package to my home on extremely short notice! An exhausted post partum woman's dream! She explained everything and assured me she would be available if I had any questions. She then checked in with me several weeks later and referred to my baby by his name! I felt like this whole experience was very intimate and personal and I have loved every second of it. This was baby number 5 for me and has been my best recovery this far. It has been as smooth as could be expected with all these other kiddos running around :) I have been far less weepy and my post partum bleeding was way lighter than with my other children. I have more energy than I did with the others, and while I am very tired, I never hit that terrible wall of exhaustion this time. If the need ever arises again, I will definitely encapsulate my placenta again! - Amber W.